
Linux anywhere, me Idiot! - Part 2


Yesterday in the evening I thought it might be a good idea to have a full functional linux-driven USB-stick for all 'known' platforms. I think I made a good start.

- Checked my 'put-all-on-the-stick' (still need a name) under the ugly Vista. First startup, the box crashes. Had to disable the sound. Now it works. Made a second startup-batch-script with disabled sound. Network works out-of-the-box (a real surprise btw.). *done*

- I only did a minimal installation of Debian, btw. Now I select the appropriate packages for my needs - a good hint for a start is 'A minimal setup with X' from Debian (gde, fluxbox chosen). I try Iceweasel (the Debian port of Firefox) and secure it with Privoxy, NoScript, AdBlockPlus - for the development, the Web Developer and Exif Viewer. *done*

- Not to forget to harden the system! Securing services, iptables, etc. pp.

- To get access via ssh from the regular host, use '-redir'. I just tried to connect via putty including a local tunnel to Port80. *done*