
Happy Gaming ths week-end ... in Jönköping.

If I would be 20 years younger ... I would have visited Jönköping for the 'Dreamhack'. 8600 gamers in two halls.

I ask myself what happens if you ask: "Is there an admin in the house?".


Treasure Island Pro7 slow-mix 2007.

As a short summary of the german made TV-movie of 'Treasure Island': what an utterly piece of crap.

After nearly 20 minutes I had to turn it off - I could not stand it any longer. If there would be an award for 'best dull-and-dumb-looking actors' - they would win it instantly - skyhigh. Non-existant dialogues and outrageous scenes - I am still speechless how much money must have been spent for such a 3-hour-epic. If the cutters would have had the guts; it could have been cut down to a story of ... 45 minutes?

From 1 to 10 points definitely worth a -5.

I hope no other country has the idea to buy this shame of german TV-adaptation. Did I mention that it would be better to show the 1990 version featuring young Christian Bale and Mr. 'from-my-dead-cold-hands' Charlton Heston? Or even better: Read the novel.

P.S. But I am in grief about Jürgen Vogel - which I have not even seen after those wasted 20 minutes of my life - but even his character would not be able to rescue this adaption.


Bonmot of the Day #2.

Favorite book (on a profile page of a german newspaper): "Narzis und Goldmund"

Eine neue Definition des selbstverliebten Neo-Rechtsextremisten?


My recommondation: Narcissus and Goldmund by Mr. Hermann Hesse (while listening to Steppenwolf).


Due South? I think about more far North.

And I thought there really existed some kind of archetypal Mountie in Canada ... well at least a little bit. But reality is more 'due north' - there can not exist any kind of 'harmless weapon' as spoken of. Every weapon can kill in the hands of the 'right' person.

To overcome the inhibition threshold - could that be a part of RCMP's training lessons? Maybe too well trained as polish visitor Robert Dziekanski sadly had to be the proof of ignorance as I say he has been "shot to death".


Glückwunsch! Es ist ein Kristallbürger.

Mich aber auch viele andere beschleicht wohl das komische Gefühl, daß in Deutschland der 9. November gerne der Tag gewesen sein soll, an dem irgendein wahlweise schreckliches oder hervorragendes - aber definitiv einschneidendes - Ereignis stattfand.

Heute mittag (irgendwann zwischen 13:00 Uhr und 14:00 Uhr CET*) am 9. November 2007 wurde der Mensch in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland neu geboren: als Kristallbürger.

*Die Server des Bundes machten eine so desolate Figur im Netz, daß ich auf weiteres Betrachten oder Hören des Non-'Streams' verzichtete - auf die Schnelle war leider auch nicht den Langwellenempfänger auffindbar, um mir das Drama über die Deutsche Welle anzutun.


Another sad school run - in Finland.

And once again I am totally shocked ... as AFP has a small version, swedish DN has far more info about an 18-year-old guy killing between one (AFP) and seven (DN) dead people at a school near Helsingfors/Helsinki.

"One killed, three injured in school shooting in Finland" by AFP

"Sju dog i skolskjutningen" by DN

UPDATE: TechDigest posted a story about a YouTube video. It looks like the whole story had been announced on the net via youtube by someone calling himself "Sturmgeist89"?

He tagged the clip as "NaturalSelector89" (his old username before deletion by youtube), but he deleted his manifests - the third clip has already been removed from the tube. His Profile is still avail in the Google-Cache.

Just found a translated german version of the text at the WELT online - do they want to turn it a bit into their point of view? I do miss one real interesting thing in this german translation.

Books: Fahrenheit 451 (Bradbury), 1984 (Orwell), Brave New World (Huxley), The Republic (Plato), all works of Nietzsche

That's the way media works. Just put him into the cliché ... well done german press.

Bonmot of the Day.

Avnämaren: "Das sieht irgendwie zu fimschig aus."

Jag: "Bitte was?" (*google-anwerfend*) Ah, danke an korrekturen.de



In germany the discussion about trojans of the state moves on - but the community show again how the internet works. Many bloggers scan their traffic for IPs from the state and post them at the 'uberwach'-blog organised in some 'Top-Charts'.

Oh - Dan just also wrote some thoughts about the upcoming german data retention.


Remember, remember the Fifth of November.

[...]A penny loaf to feed the Pope
A farthing o' cheese to choke him.
A pint of beer to rinse it down.
A faggot of sticks to burn him.
Burn him in a tub of tar.
Burn him like a blazing star.
Burn his body from his head.
Then we'll say ol' Pope is dead.
Hip hip hoorah!
Hip hip hoorah hoorah!

The rest of the story
at wikipedia.


On search for a compact blogroll ...

Have not much time invested here yet ... but the suggested 'Add RSS' lacks the possibility to add several feeds into one compact roll ...

Down into the Google-Board ...

My first one on panoramio.com ...

... has been accepted for Google Earth. Many thanks. And that took only a month? OK, now let's try to embed my panoramio-map here.


Good example for bad programing?

Maybe somthing to visit in December if you are interested in Scandinavian countries ... but the content in the site is sadly screwed up. Really a great figurehead ... if you seek for the list of exhibitors: you can find them via the Finland flag.